Just over a year ago, we launched the #NotAshamed campaign, part of the Mary Brougher Mental Health Initiative at the Bender Leadership Academy. The campaign focuses on raising awareness of mental health disabilities and addresses stigma by encouraging young people to be #NotAshamed of living with mental health disabilities. Since 2022, the #NotAshamed campaign has […]
Independence, Initiative and Return to School
It’s that time of year, again, when summer break is coming to a close and the first day of school is fast approaching. The new school year is a great way to demonstrate independence and put training in initiative to work for you. Let’s face it, we all want the opportunity to have more control […]
The Bender Leadership Academy’s PRIDE Breakfast
On June 1st, we kicked-off PRIDE celebrations in Pittsburgh by hosting a breakfast which explored the intersectionality of LGBTQ+ and disability. At the event, Tony Coelho, former Congressman and author of the Americans with Disabilities Act, talked about his personal experiences as a gay man living with disability and led a questions and answers session […]
Find Your Disability PRIDE
July is Disability PRIDE month. During this month we celebrate the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Disability Culture. Some people are ashamed to say they have a disability and want to disassociate from the Disability Community. We want to take a moment to recognize Disability Culture and actions of the Disability Community […]
Reduce Stress Through Goal Setting
In our last blog post, we talked about how goal setting can help set you up for success and begin your journey toward independence, but did you know that setting goals can help you reduce stress as well? Do you know how to recognize signs of too much stress? Trouble sleeping or feelings of fatigue. […]
Setting Goals Sets You Up for Success
At Bender Leadership Academy we know that becoming a leader and an advocate starts with taking responsibility and ownership of your life. Independence is a key life skill which builds the foundation for leadership skills. Leaders don’t wait for others to tell them what to do, they take charge and get the job done. Remember, […]
Cyberbullying Prevention and Response
Cyberbullying happens when someone uses digital devices to bully, harass, threaten, or humiliate someone. Cyberbullying is not limited to the use of social media platforms alone. Chat rooms, online gaming, emails, text messages, and other digital forums are also included as ways that a cyberbully can interact with their victim. Cyberbullying is a real type […]
Valerie Jarrett: Tony Coelho Award Winner
In December of 2022, Bender Consulting Services, Inc. presented Valerie Jarrett with the Tony Coelho Award. Bender Leadership Academy was honored to be a part of the event, where several guests joined the #NotAshamed campaign, including Valerie. Named for the Honorable Tony Coelho, author of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the award honors CEOs, […]
Recognizing Black Disability Civil Rights Leaders
Disability is a part of the lived experience for all people, including people of the Black community. As we celebrate Black History Month, we want to acknowledge some of the many civil rights activists with disabilities from the Black community. Their contribution to the fight for equity and civil rights should never be forgotten. Fannie […]
How to Decide What to Do After Graduation
If you are like many of our students at the Bender Leadership Academy, you are wondering what you will do after graduation from high school. For some, the next step is clear, work or college. But what job will you do? What major or program should you select? Do you enroll in a four-year program […]