Mary Brougher Mental Health Initiative
Build a mental fitness routine and become a
mental health advocate.
It’s time we recognize mental health as a part of overall wellness.
Mental Fitness Training
Mental Health Advocacy
#NotAshamed Campaign
Mental fitness and advocacy strategies build skills and competencies valued in today’s workforce.
Leadership Skills
Ability to Overcome Challenges
Problem Solving
Responding to Criticism
Relationship Building
Conflict Resolution
Civic Engagement
Mary Brougher served as the President of Bender Consulting Services, Inc. and as a Board Director for Bender Leadership Academy.
She was a founding team member of the original volunteer program and was instrumental in early curriculum development and program oversight.
A visionary, Mary dedicated her life to bringing down barriers and eradicated stigma for people with disabilities. A woman living with mental health disability, Mary was a strong advocate for others to talk about mental health and take action to educate others about mental health disabilities.